Write to us via United States Postal Service at:

Stony Point Press
PO Box 270371
Milwaukee, Wisconsin  53227

[learn more about SPP chapbook criteria]


10.  Your personable pet has an idea for a SPP chapbook ... TELL US!
09.  Your expletive employer has an idea for a SPP chapbook ... TELL US ABOUT IT!
08.  Your oddball organization has an idea for a SPP chapbook ... WRITE AND TELL US ABOUT IT!
07.  Your nosy neighbor has an idea for a SPP chapbook ... PLEASE WRITE AND TELL US ABOUT IT!
06.  Your funky friend has an idea for a SPP chapbook ... PLEASE PLEASE WRITE AND TELL US ABOUT IT!
05.  Your recluse relative has an idea for a SPP chapbook ... PLEASE WRITE AND TELL US ABOUT IT!
04.  Your serious sibling has an idea for a SPP chapbook ... WRITE AND TELL US ABOUT IT!
03.  Your persnickety partner has an idea for a SPP chapbook ... TELL US ABOUT IT!
02.  Your funny family has an idea for a SPP chapbook ... TELL US! 
01.  You have an idea for a SPP chapbook ... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WRITE AND TELL US ABOUT IT!

 WRITE TO US, share your chapbook idea and we will write you back: 
 With suggestions on how to move your project forward with STONY POINT PRESS.
 For free!  It's that easy!